Frequently Asked Questions
Coaching Packages inclusive for all...including Freedom, Life/Business Coaching and Custom Coaching Plans!
People from all walks of life can benefit from coaching, but it tends to resonate best with individuals who aspire to improve their lives or reach a higher level of personal success, those feeling some sort of tension in their careers or lives. If you’re stuck in a rut, frustrated with some aspect of your career, wrestling with a major transition, or simply aspire for more out of your career, coaching might be right for you.
Most of my clients who get the most out of coaching tell me they’re looking for 4 things:
*A dedicated time & space to focus on some important career/life issues.
*Some “expert” perspective to help them move forward.
*Someone who can hold them accountable to making progress.
*Someone who can be fully objective and nonjudgmental when discussing topics.
No. health insurance doesn’t cover sessions with a life coach under any circumstances, because 1) unless they are therapists, coaches are not qualified to diagnose or treat mental health conditions and 2) coaching is different from psychotherapy, and never intended to treat a psychiatric diagnosis.
But even though life coaching is not medically necessary, it’s still incredibly valuable to do this work. Health insurance doesn’t pay for most things worth investing in, like your education, your yoga class, or your vacation to spend quality time with your partner. All things that are valuable and worth doing anyway.

Connect With Sara
No obligations...JUST a conversation!