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When we shift our mind,
we shift our lives.
Life and Business Coaching to Enrich, Encourage, and Empower.

Hi, I'm Sara!
As a Certified Life Coach with the International Coaching Federation (ICF), I have completed intense professional training. I’m also a certified Coach in the Spiritual Warfare program.
I love coaching clients and developing tools to help them find SUCCESS. If a client is stuck in any area of their life it will also become a hinderance in their business.
Together we can overcome any roadblocks and help you see what may be in the way of your success.

What is Coaching?
Coaching is helping someone to unlock their personal potential and it involves the belief that the individual has the answers to their own problems within them.
Coaching is a process where a coach supports a coachee to make a change, learn something new or achieve their goals. The coach involves the coachee in thought provoking questions, is non-biased, non-judgmental and provides focused attention to the coachee by providing space to understand how to move forward.
Coaching relies on the coachee’s commitment to the process and an open, honest relationship with the coach.
Life coaching clarifies goals, creates new perspectives, as well as identifies common challenges and unexpected solutions to them.

Connect With Sara
No obligations...JUST a conversation!